Playing around in MEDLINE. Searching ascorbic acid using the shortcodes (*ascorbic acid/) produces 12865 results, while manually checking the Explode and Focus boxes results in 12963 citiations. One would think that these two entry strategies would produce the same results.
Is vitamin C effective in treating a common cold? Well, that all depends on whose randominzed control trial (rct) you chose to believe. Setting the limit on my search of ascorbic acid and the common cold to rcts produced 16 results. The 3 abstracts I read (UI 16118560, UI 12201356, UI 338079) reached different conclusions on the efficacy of vitamin C in shortening the duration of or preventing the common cold. Maybe chicken soup is the answer after all.
On another topic, for Consumer Health, the MedLinePlus website is amazing ( Check out the Interactive Tutorials (upper right corner of the homepage). Finally, I now know the difference between good cholestorol (HDL) and bad cholestorol (LDL). The Canada Health Portal seems to be the Canadian equivalent ( It doesn't seem as intuitive or as well laid out as MedLinePlus, though I've only given it a casual glance.
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Excellent post. This demonstrates an attempt to assimilate information taught in class through heuristics and reflective practice. - bravo
If you feel comfortable, I would like you to show the class on Tuesday this problem. It would take five minutes.
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